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here to find out. (posted by
shuriken7 )
TWO claims per user; UNLIMITED number of users per claim
Try to put 'heart' in your subject title to let me know you read the rules
After you claim I will make you the code. Put the code either on your profile page or wherever you want after you get it
Only the following sprites are available:
- America/Austria -
icelilly / - America/Canada -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - America/England -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / shanerose - America/France -
kurukii /
shuriken7 / - America/Germany -
icelilly / - America/Japan -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - America/Prussia -
shuriken7 / - America/Romano -
nick_rolynd / - America/Russia -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Austria/Germany -
shuriken7 / - Austria/Prussia -
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Bad Friends Trio -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - Canada/France -
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - Canada/Prussia -
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Canada/Russia -
shuriken7 / - China/England -
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - China/Japan -
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - China/Prussia -
icelilly - China/Russia -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - England/France -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - England/Italy -
shuriken7 / - England/Japan -
icelilly / - England/Prussia -
shuriken7 /
kurukii / - England/Russia -
shuriken7 / - England/Spain -
icelilly / - Finland/Sweden -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd / - France/Prussia -
shuriken7 / - France/Spain -
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - Germany/Italy -
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - Germany/Japan -
icelilly - Germany/Prussia -
shuriken7 /
kurukii /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / - Italy/Romano -
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 / - Prussia/Romano -
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Prussia/Spain -
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Prussia/Russia -
shuriken7 /
icelilly / - Romano/Spain -
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
nick_rolynd /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
kurukii /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 /
icelilly /
shuriken7 / SOURCE: All sprites from
cattleya-nine and